Thinking Online Political Activities Politically

Outline of a Gramscian Problematization of Relations between Internet and Politics
By Julien Rueff

To analyse the dimensions and political implications of digital communication technologies, current research in social science is usually based on a well-defined conception of democracy, a theory of collective action, a relational conception of power, or a theoretical tradition in political economy. Although the fecundity of these different approaches is unquestionable, this article critically examines the possibility of politically understanding the “political Web” through the lens of these theoretical perspectives. The author thus explores their ability to confer political intelligibility to the articulations between the Internet and politics. To undertake this reflection, he uses the Gramscian concept of political power, with a strong focus on the central place granted to history and antagonistic relations. He also explores how this can redefine the coordinates of a problematization of the articulations between the Internet and politics.


  • digital media
  • political theories
  • Antonio Gramsci
  • realism
  • political power
  • antagonism
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