Wonderful webcams

Telemedicine in practice
About Active Gazes and Invisible Technologies
By Jeannette Pols

How do technologies such as webcams influence health care and what concepts may describe this? This article explores the literature and analyses what people looking through webcams do within a particular health care practice in the Netherlands, that is, within the rehabilitation of people suffering from severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or asthma. Several ways to describe the activities webcams support and perform are identified. The webcam is (1) concentrating the activities of its users, by making them focus on the task at hand and (2) magnifies the characteristics of the already existing relationships between webcam users by imposing a relational distance that fits best with intimate contacts. (3) Although webcams shift notions of space and distance, their working appears to be related, to a great extent, to their location.


  • webcams
  • telecare
  • distance
  • philosophy of technology
  • COPD
Go to the article on Cairn-int.info