“Anti-white racism”

Special report: Media and racialization
The trajectory of a public issue in the French national daily press
By Reihane Merazka

Not many studies have focused on “anti-white racism” in France. This notion is foundational to an attempt at ethno-racializing whites and seems to be gaining ground in public debate, especially in the media. Through an analysis of media discourse, this article proposes to diachronically trace the evolution of the use of this concept in the national daily press. By analysing the respective roles of journalists, editors and other actors, some of which are exterior to the media field, it shows that the media were mostly driven to cover the issue by moral entrepreneurs, in ways that vary according to their profile and resources.

  • “anti-white” racism
  • media discourse
  • national daily press
  • moral entrepreneurs
  • media capital
Go to the article on Cairn-int.info